IFA and Vodafone Sign €10 Million Deal

IFA and Vodafone Sign €10 Million Deal

The Irish Farmers’ Association and Vodafone Ireland have signed a new affinity deal worth over €10million to IFA members. Negotiated by the IFA, the deal will offer the latest smartphones, data and mobile plans at competitive prices.

Speaking at the contract signing, James Kelly, IFA’s Director of Organisation, said, “Vodafone and the IFA have been in partnership since 2009. We are working hard to ensure our members get great value on their price plans and get access to the latest mobile technologies. This is important, as farmers frequently work alone in a variety of work settings. Mobile services are playing a central role in increasing productivity and around health and safety on farms. Vodafone and IFA are working closely in exploring new, better ways to do business from the farm’’.

Anne O’Leary, CEO of Vodafone Ireland said, “We are delighted to partner with IFA for an additional three years. Access to reliable connectivity can transform lives and revolutionise businesses. Our strategy at Vodafone is to invest in the strongest communications infrastructure to ensure that regardless of where you live, all communities including farmers can benefit from leading edge connectivity that can both enhance their businesses and promote farm safety while improving day to day communication across large geographic areas.”

Anne Sheehan, Director of Enterprise at Vodafone Ireland, concluded: “Businesses across the country including farmers are increasingly using mobile communications and smartphones to increase productivity and growth. It is important to us at Vodafone that we provide these businesses with products and services that meet their needs. We have an excellent partner in the IFA to help ensure that we achieve this for farmers and IFA members. A simple thing like a robust smartphone with good battery life can make a real and tangible difference to everyday farm management, and we are delighted that following the contract signing, we will continue to provide this and other services to IFA.”

IFA members can avail of a full suite of specially discounted handsets including the iphone6, the Samsung S6 as well as durable handsets like the Samsung XCover3, which can be used in challenging environments and can withstand everyday elements such as dust, shock, water and falls. Members can also avail of all the technology resources Vodafone offer including high definition voice calls, data services and the most widespread 4G network in Ireland.

IFA members also have access to iFarm on Vodafone hand devices. The IFA app, which has over 65,000 downloads, has become a unique and increasingly essential smartphone tool in allowing farmers to check market prices and commentary; real-time weather updates and farm calculators to support their decision making.

To sign up to the deal and start availing of exclusive member discounts on price plans and handsets, call 0818 924 852.